How to Draw Warrior Cats

Want to know how to draw your very own Warrior? Well, here's where you can learn how!

1. Draw a circle for the head.
2. Use a slight "S" curve for the spine and then a more defined "S" curve for the legs
3. The body is between 4 and 5 "heads" long.
4. use bigger circles to fill out the chest and hips.
5. Add the legs on the far side and place ovals for the feet.
6. Attach the tail to the spine.
7. Decide where you want the face to be and start sketching horizontal and vertical lines.
8. Define the chest, stomach and tail. Imagine muscles around the other shapes.
9. Fill out the legs- remember the "S" curve underneath.
10. Draw a smaller circle for the snout and cone shapes for the ears.
11. Continue the face. Remember the nose extends forward from the vertical line of the head.
12. Add shading and fur.

13. You can add your details with a pen.
Use thicker lines for the fur around the body and thinner lines for the shading, then erase the pencil.
14. Don't forget the whiskers!
15. Use stripes, spots or colour to make it look like your favourite cat!